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Clint Davis

Clint is an Army Veteran who has a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Louisiana Tech University and Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minister and Licensed Professional Counselor trained in EMDR for trauma, Restoration Therapy for couples and families, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) and is also a certified sex addiction therapist (CSAT). Clint is married to his wife Jacie and has two sons, Grady and Jude.

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One of favorite things to do is speak and teach! I would love to come to your next event to connect with your community and support its needs!

I often speak about the following topics, but are not limited to these:

Mental Health (anxiety, depression, etc)
Technology issues (apps, social media, pornography)
Sexual abuse prevention or recovery
Becoming a trauma responsive church
Marriage and Family issues (marriage and family retreats)
Parenting conferences
Young Adult Issues
Church Staff Support and Education
Preaching and teaching about Jesus

With all of these topics and more, I bring a blend of Bible teachings and psychology to give practical direction and support. I would love to be a part of God’s vision for healing in your community!

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Learn More About Clint

Who am I?

First, I am a son of the one true King, Jesus Christ. I strive to follow Him more and more every day. Most days I fall short, but I get back up and try again thanks to His unending grace and mercy!

I am a husband and a father. My wife Jacie, keeps me in line and pointed in the right directions. My two boys Grady and Jude are the reasons I do most of this work and I hope that we can change the world for their future! I pray one day my boys and I can do ministry together as they grow into their own relationships with Jesus!

Why did I become a counselor?

I want you to understand that my childhood trauma and family systems issues shaped me into the man I am today. I like many of us continue to recover from the wounds of my past! However, God has used those pains to make beauty from ashes. He takes what the enemy meant for evil and is turning it for, not just my good, but the good of others as well.

What made me want to learn and teach about trauma?

I joined the military at 18 and quickly went through 9/11, Afghanistan, the New Orleans “superdome disaster” for Hurricane Katrina and a few other short deployments.

After getting out of the Army National Guard and getting lots of counseling and therapy, God called me to help others with similar struggles. I graduated Louisiana Tech University with my bachelor’s in Psychology and went on to get my Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.

What trainings qualify me to teach and lead?

When I returned home, I was Ordained as a minister and began working to try to bring Jesus into people’s lives through different counseling ministries.

I eventually got my License as a professional counselor, was trained in EMDR as a clinically certified trauma professional and became a certified sex addiction therapist as well. Recently I was trained in restoration therapy for couples and families and Natural Lifemanship, where we see humans and horses connect to bring healing and recovery.

For many years I worked with the Hub: Urban Ministry as their Director of Recovery. We worked to fight against human trafficking and poverty in the lives of men, women, and children. Our practice continues to love and support this ministry today!

In March of 2017 I started my own solo practice Clint Davis Counseling. Over the past 5 years, God has blessed and grown this ministry. We currently have 4 locations throughout North Louisiana and an Integrative Wellness team made up of 20+ clinicians, pastoral counselors, Doctors, Chiropractors, Dietitians, and Massage Therapists. Our goal is to bring cutting edge therapies and treatment to our communities from a Christian perspective when appropriate. We want to be a part of our community, not just isolated in our own worlds.

Why do I want to speak and teach?

I love watching God move in people’s lives, heal them from the wounds of the past, and move them into a place where they themselves become the light in the darkness, where they become a positive force for change in our world! I love watching God bring heaven to earth, through this ministry of reconciliation He has given us!

One of the most recent passions God has placed on my heart is prevention, speaking, teaching, and training! I want to see our community equipped with knowledge, based on effective psychological techniques, with a firm biblical foundation. I want to help make sense of the mental health crisis we are in and give you the resources and understanding to change! I want to help people move from a worldly perspective to a kingdom focused one!

The future is here!

Our world has changed forever due to advances in technology and access to content like never before. Our children and families are suffering, but we can stop it! We as a community can push back against the toxicity coming into our homes and churches! But we just act quickly and strategically!! To do so we must bridge the gap between mental health and the church!

Lastly, what I want more than anything is for people to meet Jesus, look more like Jesus, and bring Jesus to others! I am far from perfect and struggle with many of the same things you do, but through grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, I believe together we can push back the darkness! Together we can see God bring miraculous freedom and peace to us all!

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